How To Reduce Hair Fall In Men?

We don't realize the impact our hectic lives have on our bodies, specifically our hair. We fail to understand that the hair fall may be caused due to our own unhealthy practices. In our attempt to live healthier lives, it's our duty to follow our healthiest mindset.


Exercise helps get our body in shape and creates a balance which helps stabilize our metabolism. One must not only regularly exercise, but also consume a healthy amount of nutrients.  A Balanced diet helps improve hair loss problems

Yoga and Meditation

Yoga and meditation activities may seem simple, but the results are extraordinary. Meditation usually includes "asana and pranayama". Meditation also keeps our body, mind and hair follicles healthy. So make it a rule to meditate every day. This keeps your hair healthy and  thick

Vitamins and Proteins

The correct proportions of protein and vitamins must be covered in your balanced diet. Vitamin B, Biotin specifically is found to be very useful in optimum growth of hair. Apart from this,  folic acid and omega-three fatty acids must be included in the diet as they are essential for good hair growth.

Self-healing [Treating Yourself]

Amongst the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it's important for us to find time for ourselves. On relaxed days like holidays, one must use this time to reset and rejuvenate. One can try inner healing activities like spa treatments and practice meditation. This relaxed nature is proven to improve the overall strength of the hair follicle. 

Hair colors and Heating Tools 

Hair fall can be found to be linked to a deficiency in nutrients, specifically Vitamin E, zinc, and selenium. The constant addition of chemicals like hair dyes due to various treatments, or application of extreme conditions like heat due to heating tools could also be linked to the constant hair fall. Hence by avoiding the repetitive coloring and usage of heating tools on the hair, or at least reducing the frequency, one can prevent complete hair damage.

Sensitive and Mild Shampoo

There are gentle shampoos on the market that clean the hair without causing any damage. Hair conditioning is required, at the very least earlier in the week. It keeps the texture soft and prevents the hair from becoming easily damaged.

Hair oil

While choosing oils suitable for hair, one must be careful when picking the correct type of oil. Raw vegetable oils like Coconut, Lavender and olive oils are proven to the nourishing for the scalp as they help control hair loss

Use coconut oil

Coconut oil is also safe because it contains a lot of lauric acid. Because of the lauric acid, this oil penetrates quickly into the cores of the hair, providing both deep nutrition and moisture. The moisture from coconut oil promotes healthy hair development.

Using clean drinking water for drinking reduces the need to visit the doctor's clinic. Hair breakage and fall will also be reduced. Water contains minerals that kill a wide range of bacteria and viruses.


Stress whether emotional or physical causes an impact on the body. Hence this has a profound impact on the hair follicle causing hair fall problems.

Get enough sleep

Sleep deprivation can cause mental and physical stress, especially if it persists for an extended period of time. Furthermore, it can have an impact on your diet, work performance, and overall mood, all of which can lead to the onset of stress-related hair loss.
